Engine oil capacity Mazda Premacy (CP; 1999 - 2005)

This article discusses in detail the engine oil used in Mazda Premacy cars of the first generation (CP): 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 of release.

Check interval: 1 time in 3 months or every 2500 km. / 1500 miles.
The oil change interval is once a year or every 10000 km. / 6500 miles - 15000 km. / 9500 miles.


  • Gasoline: API - SG/SH/SJ; ACEA-A2
  • Diesel: API CG-4/CH-4/C1-4; ACEA-B2
Engine Oil Type (SAE) Capacity
(main / filter)
US quarts Liters
1.8FP,FP Hi power 5w30, 10w30 3.7 / 0.21 3.5 / 0.2
2.0FS-DE 5w30, 10w30 3.7 / 0.21 3.5 / 0.2
2.0 DiTD DIRECO-D 0w30, 5w30 5 / 0.21 4.7 / 0.2
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